Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Current Development

Two minor and one major bug got removed:

  • To scrap a building on the colony surfaces now update the border color of the buildings in the buildings list on the left hand
  • Energy usage of a building now only has a red border if the usage would exceed the available energy
  • The shipyard is now defaulted to the "Detail mode" (which I might soon rename to "Module mode"). In this mode, a ship is constructed from ship modules present in the colony storage, and does in addition only need the resources for the ship hull.
    The "Fast mode" enables the assembly of ships without the need to previously build the ship modules: everything is built at once.

The major bug concerned the ship template designer. One was able to design ship templates with ship hulls not yet researched. This lead to ship templates which weren't shown in the list.
The bug got fixed, now one has to research the other ship hulls to design ship templates with these.

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