Monday, June 15, 2015

Current Development

The five special resource consumer buildings are implemented, each with a unique modifier which is given to the colony (+25% growth, +5% production in general, 10% energy and so on).
I am not yet sure if these modifiers are to be increased, to make an even stronger difference. That would give players a reason to start trading.

One bug regarding colony growth tooltip is removed. It is now shown when not enough housing capacities are present to sustain the population.

The building list now does not show one building per line, but up to 5, and the tooltip of each building shows name and special gains (like housing or modifiers). 

The first right click of the game got implemented now. Until now, every action was done by left click, so that the game can easily support touch-interfaces like tablets or phones.
The new right click event opens the building information panel, as a substitute for the removed question mark button.
Tablet and phone users will have to do without that for now. A solution will be implemented later, perhaps a question mark button that can be activated to show subsequently clicked building-icons. Also an ingame-help-system (some kind of SpaceOPedia) will be implemented in the far future...

The combat overhaul which comes next is a big feature. This will take at least 30 hours of programming. 
About 14 hours are done in an average week (8 hours on Monday and 1 hour on each other day of the week). Progress on that task will be reported here, as well as possible bug fixes...

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