Tuesday, June 30, 2015

First In-Game Event

On Wednesday, the first in-game event was launched.
Players logging in get displayed this message:

"Some reinforcements have arrived

Three ships just arrived at your colony, coming from your old homeland. Their engines barely made the trip, and their captains report that more ships were sent to you, but only these three ships made it.

Perhaps a search commando should be sent out to find the missing ships and secure the cargo on them."

Each player got two small fighters and one freighter. Over the whole map, debris was distributed containing resources.

3600 fields now have some spaceship debris on it, distributed on the XY-coordinates between 4700 and 5300. The debris contains goods, which can be as common as building material or even be rare ship modules.

In addition:

  • Some labels were corrected
  • The goods panel on the lower right was unified, 
  • A bug regarding "colonies of unknown players in star systems that were already discovered" was fixed, 
  • The receiver is now shown in the sent-messages-tab instead of the sender.
  • Colony renaming does now work.
I am working on a critical bug which I can't reproduce yet. The game-server does "forget" alliances, or the data sent to the browser is false.
The database does contain the correct information, so a restart of the game-server restores the right state.
If you have information about an action which might trigger the bug, please sent it to me ingame (Skratti, id 157) or via mail.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Current Development

The star map now shows colonies in all star systems that are discovered. Previously, only colonies in scan range of ships and colonies were shown.
The change was needed to give permanent information about other nearby players.

The implementation is not yet time sensitive. One will always get the current colony data.
A better way to solve this will be to enhance the Fog of War data structure, and include the discovered colonies there. Then you will see the colony data of the last time you had the solar system in your scan range..

The "Explore" part of Empires in Space needs improvement, since there are no great gains in discovering new worlds and players. I am preparing a small in-game event to make exploration more fun.

In preparation for that event, the cargo space of the scout vessel was reduced to 2. From now on, a ship with a cargo module is needed to transport bigger amounts of goods.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Current Development

Two minor and one major bug got removed:

  • To scrap a building on the colony surfaces now update the border color of the buildings in the buildings list on the left hand
  • Energy usage of a building now only has a red border if the usage would exceed the available energy
  • The shipyard is now defaulted to the "Detail mode" (which I might soon rename to "Module mode"). In this mode, a ship is constructed from ship modules present in the colony storage, and does in addition only need the resources for the ship hull.
    The "Fast mode" enables the assembly of ships without the need to previously build the ship modules: everything is built at once.

The major bug concerned the ship template designer. One was able to design ship templates with ship hulls not yet researched. This lead to ship templates which weren't shown in the list.
The bug got fixed, now one has to research the other ship hulls to design ship templates with these.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Current Development

The five special resource consumer buildings are implemented, each with a unique modifier which is given to the colony (+25% growth, +5% production in general, 10% energy and so on).
I am not yet sure if these modifiers are to be increased, to make an even stronger difference. That would give players a reason to start trading.

One bug regarding colony growth tooltip is removed. It is now shown when not enough housing capacities are present to sustain the population.

The building list now does not show one building per line, but up to 5, and the tooltip of each building shows name and special gains (like housing or modifiers). 

The first right click of the game got implemented now. Until now, every action was done by left click, so that the game can easily support touch-interfaces like tablets or phones.
The new right click event opens the building information panel, as a substitute for the removed question mark button.
Tablet and phone users will have to do without that for now. A solution will be implemented later, perhaps a question mark button that can be activated to show subsequently clicked building-icons. Also an ingame-help-system (some kind of SpaceOPedia) will be implemented in the far future...

The combat overhaul which comes next is a big feature. This will take at least 30 hours of programming. 
About 14 hours are done in an average week (8 hours on Monday and 1 hour on each other day of the week). Progress on that task will be reported here, as well as possible bug fixes...

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Next features to be implemented

  • Unique building for each of the five special resources
  • New image for the blast furnace
  • Better tooltips for the buildings in the colony buildings list
  • Changing the building lines in the colony building list to single images, so that four or five images are shown per line

These features will be implemented on next Monday.

After that, the combat calculations get an overhaul, and that includes the way how the presentation of the combat result is implemented. The current version creates a message in the mail inbox in the combat tab. The new version will create a message icon directly on the screen, which opens a panel containing combat statistics.

This new messaging mechanism will later also be used to present turn summary messages, and all other server generated messages/alerts.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Ending Scenario and other new Features

A closed test game is currently in its final stage. Here are some of the features added in the last months:
  • Player and Alliance Rankings
  • Starbases
  • Refittable Ships
  • New Resources: Hydrocarbon and Carbon Fibers
  • Fog of War
  • Research Tree Overhaul
  • Tooltip for Detail Data in the Colony Screens
  • Unique MMO Ending Scenario


These can be built directly over a planet the same way as ships, or you can put an expensive starbase module on a ship and deploy it in a location of your choice.

Refittable Ships

Ships (and also the new starbases) can be refitted with ship modules which they have on stock (in their cargo bays). Just drag and drop the modules, and click "refit". The ship will be immobile and defenseless for a few turns.

New Resources: Hydrocarbon and Carbon Fibers

These are researchable in the late game (later they will belong to the midgame or even earlier stages).
More resources will be added soon, to get more different trading goods and also provide more options during colony management. 

Fog of War

The fog of war was badly needed - now the first X in 4X (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate) is fully covered by Empires in Space. I used a quadtree to implement the client side functionality, which works like a charm. I will post the typescript / javascript sourcecode of the implementation in one of the next posts and upload it to the github repository of Empires in Space. 

Research Tree

The former research tree was split into 4 parts, each shown in a different tab of the research mask. They are now merged into one tree making this tree much more complex and interesting.

Colony Details Tooltip

The colony screen now has tooltips for the values shown in the lower left area. In addition, the research output of the colony is shown in that area. The tooltips were needed to show modifiers from research. Modifiers will soon be added by other features as well, for example distance to the homeworld or asteroid mining.

Energy Tooltip

Ending Scenario

This kind of ending scenario is unique as far as I know. It consists of the quite common team project victory, modified to enable thousands of players to fight for this goal simultaneously.

The team project has local coordinates where the project is built. To help building it, support ships have to be send to the location. These support ships are slow and thus easy targets.

The owner of the project decides who can help in finishing the project - allies, friends or just everyone who is not at war with the owner (at the moment, only the last option is implemented).
After beginning a team project, it is visible for all players, even those who are far away.
The game ends when the first team project is finished.

The player and the alliance owning the winning project will get a higher part of the generated victory points. This, and the fact that the projects have a distinct position which may be a bit too far away, hopefully leads to multiple concurrent team projects in the end stage of the game.

The amount of helping ships needed to finish a team project is calculated based on the amount of players in the game. A quarter of the players should need about one week to finish the project.
Victory points are distributed based on the amount of help a player contributed to the winning project.

Even players with small empires should be able to build a few supporting ships and thus make a difference to the outcome of the game.
The fact that there are concurrent team projects, and that they can be easily sabotaged by intercepting the slow support ships, makes this ending scenario challenging.

If you like what you read, join the next game of Empires in Space, which will shortly be announced here...