Monday, December 1, 2014

Movement rules updated

Movement points are now reduced according to the hull type of the spaceship. This leads to bigger ships being slower. Also, movement points are no longer calculated in integers, but with decimals. 

Ships may now get for example 2.7 movement points per turn, have 5.8 remaining movement points and a maximum of 11.7 points.
I used the opportunity to refactor the Ships database table and remove the spatial data types from it.

The feature list for the next game got two new items:

The ranking will calculate the rank depending on population, research, goods and so on.
I am ambivalent about this feature. On the one hand I don't like it, because it is an artificial competition which should not be needed. On the other hand, I heard multiple complaints about this feature missing in the game, and, frankly, this artificial competition does indeed trigger some kind of “I just want to catch up with the next guy in the ranking” feeling, which can be fun.

The second task, the ending scenario, is a big one. But as soon as that is implemented, this game reaches beta status.
There will be multiple ending scenarios later, but for now the “Ascension” scenario will suffice:


As soon as one player has the needed research, he can begin with the construction of a special space station, the Ascension Construct. Completion of the space station will trigger galaxy-wide Ascension – which ends the game.
The construction of the Ascension Construct will need so many resources that a single player will not be able to do this on his own. His alliance, and possibly other alliances as well, will help constructing it.

All the while other player/alliances may start their own Ascension Constructs, hoping to win the race themselves.

When the first such construct is finished, all players gain victory points according to several factors:
- Their contribution to the winning Ascension Construct
- Distance of their homeworld to the construct
- Ownership of the construct. membership of the alliance owning it, being allied with the owners
- the normal ranking points will probably also count as victory points